We offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders in the contiguous United States!
Most orders will ship same day or next day. Most locations will be received in 2 to 3 business days. Some locations may take up to 5 or more business days after the order has been shipped.
Your satisfaction is very important to us. We offer a 30 day return policy for unopened items for a full refund. If you no longer need the item or just simply want to return it within the 30 days of purchase. We will provide you with instructions where to send returned goods. Customers are strongly recommended to get a tracking slip through Ups or Fed Ex and insurance when returning goods to protect against carrier damage. Keep original packaging to send the refund back. The customer is responsible for the cost of return shipping. To complete a return we will need your order number for proof of purchase.
Once your refund is received and inspected we will issue your refund and a credit will be applied to your credit card or original method of payment. Please allow the time for your refund to be processed. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.
To be eligible for a return, your kit must be unopened, unused and arrive back to us in good condition. Due to the complex nature of 2 part kits we are not able to accept returns of opened or partially used materials.
If you received an item that arrived damaged reach out to us right away when you receive the package and we will we issue a replacement or a refund. We will pay the return shipping costs if you received a damaged or defective upon receiving it.
If you need to return an item, reach out to us at or call 425-625-6406